
Only GDPR Can Cause €56 Million in Fines in Less than a Year

In a short nine months, there has been hundreds of thousands of cases and millions in fines.

And this is just the start.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) only passed nine months ago, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has delivered a report illustrating its progress. It highlights the implementation and enforcement of GDPR, as well as the Supervisory Authorities level of cooperation.


Within these nine months, Supervisory Authorities have imposed approximately €56 million in fines throughout the 11 EEA countries.


The report goes into extensive detail on GDPR's roll out including the number of cases since May 25, 2018 and their results. It specifies procedural creation, testing and implementation improvements during this initial phase. EDPB has made tremendous efforts into ensuring GDPR compliance.

The report breaks it down into:

  1. Cooperation Mechanism
    1. Preliminary procedure to identify the lead and concerned supervisory authorities
    2. Data base regarding cases with cross-border component
    3. One-Stop-Shop Mechanism
    4. Mutual Assistance
    5. Joint Operations
    6. Assessment of the cooperation mechanism and suggestions for improvement by the SAs
  2. Consistency Mechanism
    1. Consistency opinion
    2. Dispute resolution
    3. Assessment of the consistency mechanism and suggestion for improvement by the SAs


The document also includes charts and graphs to show visual representation of the extensive efforts Europe has put into implementing GDPR.


There have been over 200,000 cases thus far with about half of them still ongoing.


Europe continues with an all out effort into implementing GDPR, and as more policies mirroring GDPR's emerge in the US, it’s critically important to be aware that this should not be taken lightly.

In a short nine months there have been a substantial number of cases with overwhelming fines attached to the cases. We should expect it to get worse as GDPR increasingly migrates to America.

Please contact us with any questions about implementing GDPR or staying compliant. 


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Danielle Johnsen
VP of Compliance

Danielle V. Johnsen joined the Digital Edge team in 2015 as the VP of Compliance.  With a passion for information security and organizational compliance, Danielle’s vision is to enable collaboration between 'The Business' and Information Technology, thus creating common objectives and outcomes that benefit the organization, while staying in compliance with all regulatory bodies and companywide policies. Specializing in security frameworks and policies such as: ISO 9001, ISO 27001, NYS DFS 500, NIST, HIPPA, GDPR, PCI, OSPAR, and more! 


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