
Cons of Self Service Cloud

Today’s model and mindset is that it seems that you can assemble anything using services provided by different companies and it will be solid. Those services are like parts of LEGO. 

AWS could be like a LEGO. Kids are playing with it. You can make functional things. You can build a house out of LEGO. Is this the best tooling for building a house? Maybe, it is simple. A kids can do it. If you have enough LEGO a kid can build a house. Would it survive many summers and winters, hurricanes, maybe yes, maybe not. Depends how much engineering experience the builder has. A bad engineer may build a bad house out of good old time bricks and a good engineer can make a great house of LEGO. However if you want to build a rocket, you need an “enterprise” class LEGO. You can use one from ToysRs but at least you have to engineer your solution. 

Today’s simplicity is a good thing, a bad thing and a scary thing. 

Michael Nikhamov

Michael Nikhamov became CFO in 1998, and is a unique combination of both pragmatist and visionary. His methodologies and foresight have been fundamental contributors in the growth and success of Digital Edge. For the decade prior to joining Digital Edge, Michael was CFO and cofounder of an NYC-based wireless reseller, which he grew from concept, to one of the largest companies of its kind.

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